Hyundai Santa Cruz Owners & Service Manuals

Hyundai Santa Cruz: Driving Safety / Intelligent speed limit assist (ISLA)

Intelligent Speed Limit Assist uses information from the speed limit signs along the roadway as well as speed limit information in the navigation system to inform the driver and display the speed limit information in the LCD cluster.

On some models, the system works with Smart Cruise Control and can adjust your SET speed based on the speed limit information and user settings.


  • Intelligent Speed Limit Assist may not operate properly if the function is used in other countries.
  • If a navigation is applied to your vehicle, the navigation needs to be regularly updated for Intelligent Speed Limit Assist to operateproperly.

Detecting sensor

[1] : Front view camera

Refer to the picture above for the detailed location of the detecting sensor.


For more details on the precautions of the front view camera, refer to “Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)” section in chapter 7.


If the navigation system is available, the information from the navigation system is used along with the road sign information detected by the front view camera.

Manual Speed Limit Assist Operation
To set speed limit 1. Press and hold Driving Assist () button at the desired speed. The Manual Speed Limit Assist enabled () indicator will illuminate on the cluster. 2. Push the + switch up or ...

Intelligent Speed Limit Assist Settings
Setting features Speed limit With the engine on, select or deselect 'Driver Assistance>Speed Limit' from the Settings menu to set whether to use each function. - If ‘Speed Limit Assist’ is ...

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